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Friday, July 22, 2011


I'm Taking A Little Break

For those of you who have been following my Sexy Forever Blog, you probably noticed that I haven't been posting for quite some time.  There are some reasons for that, and I'd like to explain.

First, I suffer from migraines and mold induced headaches.  This time of year is brutal for me because we're transitioning to the rainy season here in Florida.  This always results in numerous headaches which keep me down, on and off, for one to two weeks.

Second, I have noticed that my daily blog visits are down significantly.  In addition, Suzanne's web site activity is also down.  I attribute this to summer.  And, with that comes vacations, outdoor fun, and kids being home.

Finally, because of my headaches I am behind when it comes to my greeting card business, Sugar Notes.  My priority is my business, so any spare time must be devoted to those efforts, which I'm sure you can understand.

Therefore, I am taking a break.  My plan is to resume posting daily blogs in mid-August.  In the meantime I encourage you to re-visit some of my old blogs listed in the archives at the bottom of this page for recipe ideas and motivation.

Happy summer to you all.
